Nashua Digital (Anthony Payton Media) partners with the Nackey S. Loeb School and Solutions Journalism Lab

Nashua Digital (Anthony Payton Media) partners with the Nackey S. Loeb School and Solutions Journalism Lab

Nashua Digital (Anthony Payton Media) partners with the Nackey S. Loeb School and Solutions Journalism Lab

The Solutions Journalism Lab at the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications takes on New Partners

The Nackey Scripps Loeb School of Communications has joined media organizations in an ambitious Solutions Journalism Lab Project to tackle major problems facing our state. Two news organizations have joined the Lab to participate in new reporting projects using philanthropy funding. The Concord Monitor has received grant funding from The Barr Foundation to add a rural reporting and education-focused reporter to their staff for one year. Nashua Digital, a start-up online news outlet in Nashua, NH, has chosen the SoJoLab at the Loeb School as their partner.

Solutions journalism means rigorous reporting on responses to social problems. We are proud to be the New Hampshire partner to the Solutions Journalism Network helping Granite Staters have access to news stories that help them understand problems and challenges, and show potential ways to respond.

You can learn more about the SoJoLab at our website, If you have an interest in funding a news project and need a partner, if you are a news outlet looking to receive grants with passthrough grantmaking, or if you are seeking other supports for news philanthropy, please reach out to Laura Simoes, executive director, at [email protected].

2023-2024 Solutions Journalism Lab Partners

The Concord Monitor

The Keene Sentinel

The Laconia Daily Sun

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript

Nashua Digital

Solutions Journalism Network

The Union Leader/NH Sunday News

Original Link: Here 

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